Beadweaver of Santa Fe
Extraordinary Beads & Beadwork
February's Monthly Special is Seed Beads!
Use code 20FEB at checkout
Use code 20FEB at checkout
About Us
When Sudasi J. Clement was 8 years old her parents bought her a beading loom. She was immediately hooked, and as a teenager, even sold her brickstitch earrings at Mallory Square in Key West. She has kept her eye out for beautiful colors and quality stones ever since.
Sudasi’s original bead store, Moonstone, was in Portland, Oregon. After moving to Santa Fe in 1992, she opened the first Beadweaver. Upon re-opening in 2004, Beadweaver has been reinvented to include cards & gifts, as well as unique versions of bead store stand-bys: seed beads, stones, pearls, pendants, tools, books, findings & loose beads.
Ruthie Parrott has been a crafter since she was a small child, but really came into beading as a teen. Largely self taught, beading became her main craft since moving to Santa Fe in 2000. Opening the bead store with Sudasi has allowed her to organize tiny items to her heart’s content.